I have a wonderful group that I run/admin on facebook of moms who also had babies in May 2015. Actually, we've been together since we were DUE in May 2015, all through out pregnancies, we have been together. It's a large-ish group of over 800 moms, who typically keep each other motivated to get through the day.
We talk about everything from diaper rashes, to post partum depression, abusive spouses and the list goes on. Nothing is off limits (except some touchy issues that we've had to ban for the pure reason that it starts drama) and everyone is supposed to support each other, even if it is a bit of tough love sometimes. It's a mommy group where we can depend on each other.
Late last night a mommy was trying to find humor in the fact that she is a "zombie mom"...aka...she needs sleep...baby doesn't. I asked permission to use her post in my blog as it really does explain how a mom can feel in the middle of the night when we're trying desperately to get some z's, and I thought it would be amusing.
"Momma's log stardate 7301.5. it's currently 12:24 am. Our destination is bed. We have encountered a distress call which can only be described as sounding like a possessed howler monkey. Upon further investigation we have discovered a very wilful lifeform, who we suspect is fighting its sleep. The behavior of the lifeform is odd, to say the least. It shakes its head furiously side to side knocking its only hope for sleep, the binky, out of its mouth. Our grave mission is to subdue the sleep deprived lifeform and return piece to its mother planet. #sleepdeprivationmakesmeloopy" - Amanda Moseley
We talk about everything from diaper rashes, to post partum depression, abusive spouses and the list goes on. Nothing is off limits (except some touchy issues that we've had to ban for the pure reason that it starts drama) and everyone is supposed to support each other, even if it is a bit of tough love sometimes. It's a mommy group where we can depend on each other.
Late last night a mommy was trying to find humor in the fact that she is a "zombie mom"...aka...she needs sleep...baby doesn't. I asked permission to use her post in my blog as it really does explain how a mom can feel in the middle of the night when we're trying desperately to get some z's, and I thought it would be amusing.
"Momma's log stardate 7301.5. it's currently 12:24 am. Our destination is bed. We have encountered a distress call which can only be described as sounding like a possessed howler monkey. Upon further investigation we have discovered a very wilful lifeform, who we suspect is fighting its sleep. The behavior of the lifeform is odd, to say the least. It shakes its head furiously side to side knocking its only hope for sleep, the binky, out of its mouth. Our grave mission is to subdue the sleep deprived lifeform and return piece to its mother planet. #sleepdeprivationmakesmeloopy" - Amanda Moseley